What’s your family tree?

Just for fun!!

If you had to pick a tree that represents your family tree, what would it be?

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I’ve chosen pomegranate tree because of the artists, writers, musicians, photographers, teachers and healers who populate mine.They are ripe fruit bursting with life and creativity! 

One of my favourite childhood books, which came from my Grandfather, was on Greek and Roman myths. I just loved the story of Demeter and Persephone, mother’s love, creation, the differentiation of self, the journey into the underworld and the cycling of the seasons. Experiencing the light and the dark.

What’s your tree or plant?

Wishing you a day of laughter and joy!


5 thoughts on “What’s your family tree?

  1. I want to say cherry blossom because I love them but I’m not sure how it relates to my family. 🙂


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