A little update on finding me…

It has been a while since i last posted. There has been so much going on…


Completing the art studio build, de-cluttering, cleaning and redecorating the whole house, oiling and polishing furniture, sorting through boxes and boxes of stuff, working on the garden, hosting my family for christmas lunch, and loads of personal growth, leading to vulnerability and breakthroughs.

Truth is by the end of Christmas, I was totally exhausted…

www lovealwaysleaveamark blogspot com

Image from http://www.lovealwaysleavesamark.blogspot.com

What an interesting path we travel through this life!

December 20 came and went, the twelve month anniversary of leaving full time work. What at journey this year has been, not always an easy ride, but a beautiful journey into wholeness.

At this point I am overflowing with gratitude, feeling more grounded and whole, which also includes more openhearted, fragile and vulnerable. The journey into love, self acceptance and peace has been tough, but totally worth it.  As i’ve embraced this life, my body is feeling so much better, my intuition is on fire and i am loving my role as homemaker and creator.

Friends came to lunch recently and asked how i was travelling. Tears welled up in my eyes, embarrassed to admit that i felt lost, overwhelmed, at sea in emotions, unclear of the horizon and lacking clarity. After 12 months shouldn’t i be starting to get it together?

www whoframedruelfox com

Image from http://www.whoframedruelfox.com

I’ve noticed that the most disconnected and vulnerable times often happen before the big breakthroughs.

So i just decided to be kind with myself, gentle self nurture and learning to love and accept the place where i am. After weeks of sleepless nights full of painful dreams, i went inside and listened to the quiet voice within.

Seeing, owning and shining a light on shameful negative patterns has allowed them to dissipate. Speaking this shame to a safe, trusted and caring friend has been the perfect healing balm.

www amyalice blogspot comImage from http://www.amyalice.blogspot.com

I admitted to myself what my heart truly desired and opened myself to creating that in my life. Now i’ve moved to a place of clarity, peace and allowing.

www quoteswave comImage from http://www.quoteswave.com

If you can relate to this, then know that i am standing in love and solidarity with you!

May you be filled with kindness, love and self compassion.

May you be open to healing, breakthroughs and clarity.

And most importantly,

May you be totally loving and accepting of whatever space you are in and where ever you find yourself.

The whole thing is absolutely perfect! Know this.

Much love



10 thoughts on “A little update on finding me…

  1. Dear Sarah, Beautiful, moving and wise. Your heart is huge and kind and full of goodness and those who know your heart are indeed honoured. Thank you and the abundant blessings of the Universe to you and yours. x

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My original comment was eaten 😮

    I now view “having it together” as a resting place (of indeterminate length) before you move on to the next level in the path of life. Enjoying walking, skipping, eating and sitting still on the journey with you xo 😀


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